Know About Search Engine Friendly Pages

By | January 21, 2013

Creating a website means you are telling the public that you are still in the business. Your website tells whether your business is running well. Your website represents your business. Therefore, you need to design your website in such a way that it attracts visitors. Else, there is no meaning in building your website.

For most websites, a leading source of traffic comes from search engines such as Yahoo!, Google, Alta-vista, MSN and others. You need to design your website that is search engines-friendly for better ranking which will increase more visitors.

Crawlers/robots are programs used by top search engines to index websites on SERPs. These are used to find out a page and read the content on the page and record in their own database.

Avoid frames in your website to index easily as frames can confuse search engine programs. Frames can make users as well difficult to bookmark a specific page. Never present information text in flash images or movies because it will be difficult to know the source code otherwise.

Use meta data tags on every page. It will help search engines whether to index it and makes the job easier for them.

Use Cascading Style Sheets for effective designing of your website. These sheets eliminate redundant tags and make your website load faster.