Porcelain Filling Dentistry and Their Benefits

By | July 30, 2014

Porcelain filling filling in dentistry aims to restore and the natural look and fill the deficit of teeth.

Porcelain filling even advantageous over composite fillings, and are durable, stronger and natural looking. Earlier, porcelain filling was used only for front teeth but now this is used almost in all the areas of preparing the fillings like inlays, outlays and crowns. This filling uses advanced technologies, which makes the resin harden the surface of the teeth so that they look natural and healthy.

This treatment is similar to the traditional filling methods and requires at least two visits to the dentists to get ready for the filling. Porcelain is a glass material composed of oxygen and the silicon and these are better than composite because teeth don’t get stained, or you don’t have any dis-coloration problems as is in case composite filling.

How the treatment is done?
As it takes at least two visits to the dentist in first visit the dentist will drill the area which is infected with cavities then takes the impressions of teeth and then fills it with temporary fillings so that you will be comfortable for second visit. Now the impressions that is taken will be sent to the lab by the dentist to get the customized porcelain fillings. After the dentist receives the fillings he/she will bond the fillings on your teeth where drilling is done on the second visit. This is how the treatment is carried out.

Benefits of porcelain fillings
Both porcelain and composite fillings bring benefits to the patients. But porcelain filling has added advantages when compared to composite fillings. Some of them are:

  • These filling is more durable when compared to all other cavity fillings – nearly 30 years that no other cavity fillings can replace this fillings in this point. All other fillings last 7-10 years.
  • Porcelain fillings bond the teeth easily and get strengthened as it doesn’t require more tooth structure to be removed.
  • They give a more natural look than all other fillings do and don’t make you appear as if you have fillings in your mouth. With this, you fill have a great look and smile with your teeth.
  • This fillings don’t get stained or discolored as composite fillings.

With these major advantages, over all other fillings, you can opt for porcelain fillings compared to all other fillings today even if the filling is costlier when compared to metal fillings. They will save the money in future if you invest some more now. So, you don’t have to worry with this filling as they give you long term benefits.