History of Business Application Software

By | August 13, 2013

The need of any business application software is to enhance profit by reducing expenses or by fastening the business productivity cycle.

The most popular tool of business software in early days was factory accounting software which is the combination of Fixed Assets Inventory Ledgers, General Ledgers, Cost Accounting Ledgers, Accounts Receivable Ledgers and software related to Accounts Payable Ledgers.

In the early days people used to do work manually that is entering data and performing calculations which need more time and more people. The more people in the company, the more number of Health and Retirement policies should the business owner provide. In this period, a software is used to replace manual people. By doing this, company will not require many employees and also a computer software does not require any health or retirement benefits.

Due to these profits, business owners demanded business application software from providers (IBM, and other early providers) of business software solutions to replace the old-fashioned board.

In the early 1980’s, computer-aided drafting software or CAD-CAM software, project management software, modern project management software were introduced.

Suddenly changes took place in the business software due to the arrival of Word Processor software and because of its rapid rise, World wide companies shifted to Word Perfect business software and later to Microsoft Word. In the early days, a big change in many businesses is the use of Word Processor. Another popular software program for business were Lotus 1-2-3, and Microsoft Excel.

In the 1990s, businesses moved to use of SAP software.

In the early days, Internet was not that much used, but now it serves as a commercial interest to world wide because of globalization.